Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Better Batter - Better than Betty!

Better Batter - Better than Betty!


Some of you know that I have been sick - & getting sicker - for a good 5 yrs now. I haven't held down a "real" job in a long time so money is below tight. When a friend suggested I looked in going Gluten Free I scared, sad, intimidated, but desperate to feel better. So, research lover that I am, I started searching the web - & got mommy (yes I still call her mommy at this age because I am just that awesome) to bring me all the books she could find from the library. 

It became obvious immediately that I every single 1 of my symptoms could be attributed to gluten; so I took the plunge - I should mention that when I say plunge I mean I MENTALLY plunged... physically I just sort of put my toes in. 

I didn't/don't have the money to just trash a whole kitchen & start over so that was NOT an option - instead I ate GF when I could, forced down gluten filled "death" foods, or just flat out skipped meals. Needless to the mom was not pleased with my strategy... So for my birthday she took me to Shoprite & stocked me up! Of course seeing as how it was her money I couldn't - in good conscience - fill the cart with sweet treats. 

I have since jumped the rest of the way in - which is so not the norm for me, at the pool I go in step by step & slowly adjust (yes I am totally a big baby). I started cooking meals - again if you know you are shocked, awed, & amazed by this - & low & behold I didn't die (here is where I become shocked & amazed...)! 

I used to LOVE baking - I could never cook to save my soul, but baking, well that's another story :) - I really wanted to get back into baking but my initial research was terrifying! I was seeing 6+ types of flour listed - some of which I still don't what they are (does anyone know what Teff is??). Now I may love baking, but don't get me wrong I was a Betty Crocker girl all the way. I rocked the heck outta those boxed cakes though! 

So I turned to an old friend  - who has been GF for several years - & begging. She took pity on me - I can be SUPER pathetic when the mood strikes me - this super awesome someone went WAY beyond the typical bonds of friendship. I had hoped she might lend me a recipe, or some such. But no; she turned to a brand she knows & loves & sent me a sample box with 6 different flours in it!! I'm not ashamed to say I cried when I opened - & kept crying as I put them away. 

That package of love arrived this afternoon. I mixed up the Fudge Brownie mix as fast I my little fingers - & feet of course - could manage! Apart from the parchment paper debacle - which is a WHOLE nother story - it was smooth sailing.

A little water, a little oil, some eggs, & some elbow grease - we are not going to talk about the parchment paper for which I still harbor a grudge - and that was all she wrote! The batter looked - & tasted... - like anything I was used & since my friend liked I was confident as I tucked the pan into the oven - praying the paper didn't somehow combust - you may laugh, but only if you don't know me;  if you do you are probably just nodding in agreement at the likely that I could somehow pull that off...

My pan was a little big so I only put the brownies in for 25 min instead of the 27-30 on the box. but at 25min the toothpick was clean as a whistle so i took em out - next time I think ill leave them in a bit longer to see if they get more cake like. Here is where the parchment redeemed itself; the brownies lifted right up outta the pan like a magic feather! SO AWESOME! I let them cool - which was not easy caused they smelled great. The plan was to wait until after dinner to try them out.... but I wanted to a picture for the blog & well how could I properly report if I haven't even tasted them yet?! Obviously you can't so I no choice put to a respectable slice & give it a try. 

The first thing that popped into me head was "Betty Crocker who". The brownie was sweet - without being nasty fake sugar sweet - they were that omg I'm in heaven kind of sweet - & soft! not the the crumble to bits soft but utter perfection. The plan was to share these brownies with my roommate.... bu I might have to say that they are terrible & hope my roommate doesn't read this blog before I've had the chance to eat them all....

This mix doesn't just compare to the mixes of my gluten filled past - it surpasses them. I would crave these brownies if I had no idea what gluten was!

I don't know who I want to thank more, the friend who sent me this wonderful gift, or the people who make it!! So I will just send out a Super Huge - I LOVE YOU! - to all concerned :)

Is it too soon for another brownie?....

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