Tuesday, October 23, 2012


What better way to start off a blog than a little background info on the author? If nothing else this should at least give you enough of a glimpse into my insanity to know what your getting into... 

My interests are many ranging from books to baking and from camping to tattoos... I like to be well rounded; but you are not going to find talk of sports or politics gracing my page anytime soon (I almost started a riot once asking who the Steelers were... so I've learned its best not to go there). 

Nutrition and healthy living is another biggie for me. Last winter I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and have since learned that I also have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - which includes such fun as insomnia and & non-restorative sleep), and chronic/severe depression; its also possible that I'm hypoglycemic (think diabetes in reverse), although I've never been officially tested for it.  

After that impressive list you can guess where my interest in nutrition might have come from. Not a whole lot is known about Fibro or CFS (which might actually be the same thing, although that it is still debated - I tend to look at them as different sides of the same coin); most doctors can't even tell you what they are! As such i do a LOT of research on my illnesses, what they are, targeted health & wellness tips, and how to keep living your life in spite of the obstacles.

This blog is not meant to follow 1 specific topic or genre, it will be more focused on things that are going on in my life, from baking muffins with my roomie to searching for a job that I can manage with my new found (and still growing) list of ... challenges, and reviewing some of the many books that I read - to say i am book obsessed is probably treating it lightly...

As far as books are concerned my main obsessions are young adult and juvenile authors. While you have to contend with insane romance drama & frequent doses of morality lessons, there is far less emphasis on death, destruction, & sex; which I'm sorry but can get a little old after awhile, IMO. 

As i mentioned previously, anything is fair game! I actually really enjoy doing online research so if you have questions feel free to ask, its always good to broaden ones horizons :)